Cassandra Eason in her book “The Complete Crystal Handbook” elucidated on the significance of rings by stating that “(r)ings on any finger symbolize lasting love, friendship and health continuing in a never-ending cycle”. Steve Bennett in “The Lure of Coloured Rocks and Gemstone Jewellery” noted that the Egyptians started a tradition of wearing rings as symbols of love during weddings, particularly on the 4th finger which they believed was connected directly to the vein of the heart. Before that rings have been used for many purposes, chief of which would be as talismans.

As a designer, I don’t do wedding rings. I am more interested in rings that are used for healing and protective purposes. I choose gems that I turn into rings based on several criteria. The first is the size. The gem must be big in order for me to get excited. I “feel” gems and the bigger they are, for me, the more powerful. The next is the cut. I prefer natural, even unusual shapes and “raw”, even cabochon form as opposed to faceted forms of gems. The third, and most important, is the gem’s authenticity. I buy gems from some of the more trusted dealers, and ask for certificates, if they could provide me. I do not go for the so-called “flawless” gems. For me, the mineral inclusions in gems that might be considered “flaws” are their signatures of authenticity. In some gems like emerald and ruby, the inclusions they contain prove their genuineness and can even increase their value. The fourth is the gem’s uniqueness and rarity. I seek gems that are not that well known to the general public. Gems that have been mined out, or in the brink of extinction or can only be sourced from certain singular places in the planet only during certain times, hold a very special appeal for me. The fifth, and deciding factor is the cost. I operate on a certain budget per project, so everything must “fit” economy wise, but without sacrificing any of the other factors. Fortunately, the gems that appeal to me and “fit” my criteria are not cost prohibitive owing to the fact of their relative obscurity and the general mentality in the commercial gem industry that the only “precious” gems are faceted diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and everything else is “semi-precious” whatever that means!

These are some of the statement rings I designed or created for several collections. In doing this, I went for the simplest setting because the star after all, in each ring is the gem I chose. In gathering this sampling, I was inspired by the music and the authentic one-of-a-kind style of David Bowie.


RING ONE: The Sugilite with the Eye, copyright and design by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Sugilite with the Eye Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Sugilite with the Eye Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

Sugilite was “discovered” or “documented” by Japanese Dr. Ken-ichi Sugi way back in the 1940s. It is an opaque cyclosilicate mineral, the metaphysical value of which is just gaining prominence now. It appears in shades of pink, lavender, magenta, and even violet. It is gem of the heart chakra. Crystal healers are using it to heal issues concerning the pineal, pituitary and adrenal glands, as well as different types of infections and viruses, and heart conditions. It is one of those gems that are said to be helpful in Earth healing. When I saw this pink sugilite, I was drawn to the distinctive white eye pattern it contained which is uncommon, since sugilites are normally streaked with black, red or brown markings. The ancients believed that gems with “eyes” are powerful tools for “Truth” and Protection. Eason believes this is a gem for Love without sentiment. I believe this is a gem for those whose Love is imbued with a Higher Cause or are trying to humanize the contemporary bane of Impersonal Service.


RING TWO: The Cheery Dalmatian, copyright and design by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Cheery Dalmatian Ring Designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Cheery Dalmatian Ring Designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

I am familiar with Dalmatian Jasper as components of bracelets or necklaces, but not in rings. When I saw this peculiarly cut cabochon Dalmatian, I was immediately drawn to its sensuous shape and I found myself smiling when I held it. Since I have never seen any Dalmatian Jasper ring, I knew then I must set it as a ring. It is such a happy stone to wear. Indeed Dalmatian Jasper is a gem of the root chakra which is the perfect antidote to cynicism, depression and those whose illusions have been shattered. It is advised that gems like this must be worn for long periods so as to appreciate its healing effects on the immune system, the muscle system, the elimination system, the skin and to counter the long held addiction of chain smoking. David Bowie should have worn something like this!




RING THREE: The Powerful Pyrite, copyright and design by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Powerful Pyrite Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Powerful Pyrite Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal


Pyrite has often been confused with gold, and it is found near gold deposits, so that is why it has earned the name “Fool’s Gold”. It cannot be bent or easily dented unlike gold, and its marvellous sparkling appearance are the reasons why it is considered one of the premier stones for Prosperity, Protection, Strength and Stamina. As a gem of the Solar plexus, Eason states that it can be used to heal disorders of the bones, blood and lungs. It is also a gem that can counter the psychological and emotional manipulation of others. For these reasons, it deserves to be held in special regard on its own!





RING FOUR: The Cool Brazilian Agate, copyright and design by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Cool Brazilian Agate Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Cool Brazilian Agate Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal


This gem was sourced from Brazil and as soon as I touched it, it impressed me with its cool calming effect. It is said that one can determine the truth of any situation by meditating on a piece of agate, and this agate with its dendritic patterns can certainly be used as a meditation guide. Blue agates are said to be gems for the Throat Chakra so they can help with any communication problem or issues concerning the throat, thyroid gland, voice, ears and even eyes. It is also a Gem of Harmony.





RING FIVE: The Cacoxenite with Amethyst, copyright and design by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Cacoxenite with Amethyst Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Cacoxenite with Amethyst Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

Since February is associated with amethyst, I am placing this ring on this series. Amethyst by itself is a precious wonderful gem that has been linked to royalty, the knights, the Church, and as one of the premiere gems for the Crown Chakra. When it is mixed with the rare Cacoxenite, the power of Amethyst is multiplied. Cacoxenite is a rare phosphate that appears in this gem as the golden brown streak. The Cacoxenite makes the gem not only address issues concerning the Crown, but the Brow and Solar Plexus Chakras as well, magnifying and diversifying its healing powers. This gem can allow one to see the Beauty and Divine purpose in everything and the Good in everyone!



RING SIX: The Awesome Stromatolite, copyright and design by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Awesome Stromatolite Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Awesome Stromatolite Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

This rare and extraordinary gem was sourced from Madagascar and it is truly a beautiful gem to behold! It is a microcrystalline quartz silicate that contains primeval microorganisms like fossilized algae, therefore, according to Eason, it holds “the earliest records of Life on earth”. As a gem of the Root and Heart Chakra, it is thought to be effective in dealing with issues concerning the skull, neck, jaw, teeth, skin, heart, cells and DNA. It is also a gem for those who had been deeply wounded in love, to be whole again and to find the Love that one deserves!







RING SEVEN: The Magical Larvikite, copyright and design by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Magical Larvikite Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Magical Larvikite Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

This is an uncommon bluish gray moonstone sourced from Norway. It is a magical gem that can assist the wearer in actualizing grand dreams to reality. A gem of the Root, Throat, Brow and Crown Chakras, it is a powerful gem that Eason says can neutralize negative thought directed against the wearer. It is thought to be useful for issues concerning the functioning of the blood, the brain, the intellect, the lungs, the skin, PMS and in dealing with mood swings.







RING EIGHT: The Malachite with the Green Tiger’s Eye, copyright and design by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Malachite with Green Tiger's Eye Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Malachite with Green Tiger’s Eye Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

I ultilized a Malachite “donut” shaped pendant and placed a green Tiger’s Eye bead on the donut hole to create a ring from two compatible gems that are certainly more powerful combined together. Malachite is a great gem of the Heart Chakra that counters emotional extortion and abuse, and protects against pollution of every kind including those brought by technology. Green Tiger’s Eye addresses issues of the Heart and Throat Chakras, and together with Malachite, they are also gems that bring about Prosperity!






RING NINE: The Enchanting Ruby, copyright and design by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Enchanting Ruby Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Enchanting Ruby Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

I chose a deep rich red violet shade of Ruby for this “exercise” of making concentric circles around the gem to make a bigger statement ring. Rubies have been prized since ancient times as a premiere gem for Love. As a gem of the Heart Chakra, it is thought to be effective in healing issues concerning the heart, sexual dysfunction, fertility/impotence, circulatory system and infections. It is also gem that opens one to commitment, and to value the Beauty of Life, as well as a bringer of Prosperity!







RING TEN: The Herkimer Diamond and Green Garnet, copyright and design by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal   

The Herkimer Diamond with Green Garnet Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

The Herkimer Diamond with Green Garnet Ring designed by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal

This project consisted of my pairing what is considered the most powerful “New Age” crystal today, the Herkimer Diamond with a more “earthy” green bead of grossular garnet. Green garnet is a gem of Prosperity and of the Heart Chakra that addresses issues relative to the heart, immune system, respiratory system, vitamin deficiency and reproductive system. A Herkimer Diamond, according to Ahsian, is extremely useful in healing environments where its clarity, brilliance and high frequency facilitates the removal of energy blocks or debris, and stimulates healing by increasing the amount of Light energy the body can utilize. It is an exceptionally strong crystal for clearing electromagnetic pollution, radioactivity, and geopathic stress. As it amplifies the energies of the gems it is incorporated with, its pairing with the green garnet amplifies the healing properties of the latter.





I trust that you learned something from this sampling of my work. Gems can be powerful allies if we let them do their work. They are indeed evidence of God Love from the Earth!

ANYOLITE: A CONTEMPORARY BIRTH GEM FOR ARIES (Copyright by Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal)

The classification of some gems based on the zodiac signs has been done since ancient times. Steve Benett in his book “The Lure of Coloured Rocks and Gemstone Jewellery” stated that it was linked with the breastplate of Aaron mentioned in the Old Testament which contained 12 gems that were connected with the 12 months of the year. The Romans, Arabs, Poles, Russians and Italians, together with Isidore, the Bishop of Seville, had at various times decreed specific gems ruling every month of the year. The Jewelry Industry Council of America in 1952 came out with a list of gems associated with each month, which has relatively been unchanged today, with the exception of Tanzanite that is now considered an official gemstone for December. For those born under the sign of Aries, or who consider April as their month, the diamond is the de riguer gem.

Since my interests in gems lie beyond the historicity of monthly associations, I decided to do research for alternative birthstones for Aries. I was able to discover a list of contemporary birthstones for the zodiac signs envisioned by some crystal healers. This list contains fantastic choices including Pink Tourmaline, Citrine, Carnelian, Kunzite and Aquamarine.

One gem from the contemporary list that is the focus of this article, is anyolite, with the alternative name “ruby in zoisite”. It is a member of the zoisite group, which is technically a calcium aluminium silicate hydroxide variety of epidote. While anyolite is predominantly green, it is sprinkled with inclusions of real rubies appearing as red or pinkish areas merging with the green.

The first time I saw an anyolite carving, I was drawn to the sweet energies of the minerals that made up the whole piece. No wonder, anyolite is a perfect merging of the energies connected with the Crown, Heart and Solar plexus Chakras! Because of its potent combination of zoisite and ruby, crystal healers prescribe it as a powerful gem of protection. It is a gem of balance, be it in relationships, careers or in law.

This bracelet was the first accessory I did using anyolite as the primary material.

Anyolite bracelet with 14K gold filled ball, a Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal creation

Anyolite bracelet with 14K gold filled ball, a Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal creation

It is accentuated by a 14 carat gold filled (GF) ball. This is meant as a reminder to the wearer that Life is precious so Carpe Diem!

In this symphony of anyolite, fuchsia agates and amethyst with 14 carat GF wire and balls, I have created a necklace designed as a personal protective talisman for the wearer.

Anyolite necklace with Amethsyt and fuchsia Agates, a Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal creation

Anyolite necklace with Amethsyt and fuchsia Agates, a Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal creation



In this third creation, I decided to merge the energies of anyolite, fuschia agates and amethyst with the moss green agate pendant set with 14 carat GF wire and ball.

Anyolite necklace with green Agate pendant, a Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal's creation

Anyolite necklace with green Agate pendant, a Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal’s creation



Moss green agates are gems of new beginnings and trust. Combined, this is a talisman for enduring Love.

Cite: Dr. Atty. Noel G. Ramiscal, ANYOLITE: A CONTEMPORARY BIRTH GEM FOR ARIES, (URL) (date of access)